Festool Long-life chip collection bag SB-Longlife RTS/DTS/ETS
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The long-life dust collection bag is suitable for RTS 400, RTSC 400, DTS 400, DTSC 400, ETS 125, ETSC 125. If you want to work free of dust without a mobile dust extractor, the long-life dust collection bag is exactly right. The dust collection bag is made of durable polyester sanding cloth and is therefore resistant to wear.
Strenght and benefits
For continuous use: Long-life dust collection bag which can be emptied and reused, made from extra-durable nonwoven polyester
For continuous use: Long-life dust collection bag which can be emptied and reused, made from extra-durable nonwoven polyester
Dust-free work, even without a mobile dust extractor.
Strengths and benefits
- For continuous use: Long-life dust collection bag which can be emptied and reused, made from extra-durable nonwoven polyester
Main areas of use
- The chip collection bag keeps the work space clean, collects virtually all chips and dust, and ensures maximum mobility
- Painting/varnishing work
- Furniture manufacture
- for RTS 400, RTSC 400, DTS 400, DTSC 400, ETS 125, ETSC 125
- for holding dust and for dust-free disposal of the extracted product
- made of high-strength, durable polyester sanding cloth
in self-service display pack
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