Product that you do not like may be replaced (returned) only if no more than 14 days have passed since the sale of the item.

If the delivered product does not meet the quality requirements or the Buyer (consumer) does not like the shape, size, colour, model or completeness of the purchased product (except for the goods specified in legal acts, which the Buyer has no right to change (return), model or completeness), the Buyer must contact the seller.

Goods must be returned in the original packaging of the item, together with the shipping documents. Return must be accompanied by an original VAT invoice.

The Buyer is responsible for the appropriate assembly and packaging of the product that is being returned. If the product is not assembled and (or) packaged correctly, the Vendor does not accept the product that is being returned.

The return of the goods is not accepted if they were used and (or) were damaged and (or) have had their product appeal damaged (the changes of the product or the packaging which were necessary to inspect the product are not considered essential changes to the appeal of the product).

All money paid for the Product is refunded, excluding shipping costs.

Return or exchange of goods is regulated by:

Dėl Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės 2001 m. birželio 11 d. nutarimo Nr. 697 „Dėl Mažmeninės prekybos taisyklių patvirtinimo" pakeitimo
(2014-07-22 Nr. 738, TAR, 2014-07-28, dok. Nr. 10565, galioja nuo 2014-07-29)

Lietuvos Respublikos civilinio kodekso pakeitimo ir papildymo įstatymas
(2013-12-19 Nr. XII-700, TAR, 2014-01-07, dok. Nr. 69, galioja nuo 2014-06-13)